Ledger Wallet - State security

Ledger | Hardware Wallet - State-of-the-art security for crypto assets. The Ledger shopper companion is only available on mobile devices. Scan the QR code below to get started! Ledger Wallet

Managing Your Cryptocurrency Portfolio with Ledger Live

. Accessing Your Accounts

After adding your Ledger device to Ledger Live, you can access your cryptocurrency accounts and view your balances. Ledger Live supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many others.

. Sending Cryptocurrency

To send cryptocurrency from your Ledger device, select the account you wish to send from, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction. Verify all transaction details carefully before proceeding.

. Receiving Cryptocurrency

To receive cryptocurrency into your Ledger device, navigate to the account you wish to receive funds into and copy your wallet address. Share this address with the sender, who can then initiate the transfer to your Ledger device.

. Exploring Portfolio Analytics

Use Ledger Live's portfolio analytics features to track the performance of your cryptocurrency investments. Monitor your portfolio's value over time and view detailed transaction history.

Security Best Practices

. Protecting Your Recovery Phrase

Never share your recovery phrase with anyone. Store it offline in a secure location such as a safe or a safety deposit box. Your recovery phrase is the key to your wallet and must be kept confidential.

. Using a Secure PIN Code

Choose a strong PIN code for your Ledger device and never share it with anyone. Avoid using easily guessable PINs or sharing them with others.

. Regularly Updating Firmware

Keep your Ledger device's firmware up to date by installing firmware updates as they become available. Firmware updates often include security enhancements and bug fixes.

. Beware of Phishing Attempts

Be cautious of phishing attempts and only access Ledger Live through the official Ledger website or app. Ledger will never ask you for your recovery phrase or PIN code via email or any other communication channel.


By following these steps, you can securely set up and start using your Ledger device to manage your cryptocurrency assets. Ledger Wallet provides a secure and user-friendly platform for storing and transacting with cryptocurrencies, ensuring that your digital funds remain safe at all times. Whether you're sending and receiving cryptocurrency, exploring portfolio analytics, or updating firmware, Ledger Wallet simplifies the process while prioritizing security. Embrace the future of digital finance with Ledger Wallet - your trusted partner in cryptocurrency management. Welcome to Ledger Wallet - where security meets simplicity, empowering you to take control of your digital assets with confidence.

Last updated